Friday, November 30, 2007

Illicit Photos

Well, not really. It's just that I had my camera in my coat pocket and ended up taking it to work, which is strictly verboten. Oh, not like I'd get fired....but cameras really aren't allowed. (What they do about the no-doubt-hundreds of people who work there with cameras in their cell ignore them.)

Anyway, two little pictures from the car. First, a rather ominous sunrise.

And second, a cheerful little trailer of some sort. I mean really, doesn't that look like a happy little face with big dark eyes and rosy cheeks. No? It's just me?

I made myself a pretty bracelet the other evening. Maybe I'll get a photo of that later....


Ackery said...

He does look happy -- like he's about to tell you something with that one slat missing!

Rooie said...

Yeah, he looks like a little Japanese anime character or something.

I guess Japanese anime is redundant, huh?