Thursday, November 8, 2007

Grey Thursday

Currently Reading

(Gee, as much as I talk about books here, perhaps I should have called the blog “Two Pointy Sticks and a Heck of a Lot of Books” – which anyone who has ever visited our house would heartily endorse.)

I just finished Laura Ruby’s The Wall and the Wing and what a great romp it was! This is a kid’s book, filled with: an old man with grass for hair, orphans and wicked orphanage administrators, flying people, an amazing carousel, Punks, man-sized rats, the Richest Man in the World…and cats. Lots of cats. Cats who save the day. Such fun. And the acknowledgments even thank Readervillians, so I’m taking that personally. Anyone with small kids…this is a good’un. And there's a sequel! That's on my Wish List now.

Next up, a collection of Jane Gardam short stories, Going into a Dark House. The first one, about the death of the narrator’s mother while they are touring the garden of a Stately Home in England, had me in tears. But I do love Jane Gardam.

1 comment:

Kaethe said...

Wasn't The Wall and the Wing great? I tried to talk the Possum into it, but so far, no dice. I can't wait to read the sequel.