Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Mr. Pointy Sticks and I are both home from work today with a stomach bug of some sort...Rachel's also feeling queasy. No fun.

I was thinking about having Poetry Tuesday here on the blog. But you run into copyright infringement issues and I don't want that. In fact, the poem I posted last week probably shouldn't still be up. So, instead of posting a poem, here's a link to a poem I found and really liked:


Let's see if that works.

Currently Reading

I finished up The Various Haunts of Men last night. Whoa! Some ending. I was fully planning to start the next Susan Hill but this morning, lying on the couch feeling icky, I just didn't want to get up and get it. So I reached out to the coffee table and picked up Charlotte Bacon's There Is Room for You. It's about a 35 year old woman, getting over the death of her father and her own divorce, who travels to India, the country where her mother was born and raised. Very good so far (about a third of the way through).


Leah said...

What a lovely poem. Thanks for posting that link.

Julie said...

There must be some kind of nation-wide icky after-Thanksgiving virus. Everyone here in Texas had it too (I have it now, and I blame YOU!). Hope you feel better soon. At least you can read!

Rooie said...

You're welcome, Leah. I love the mental image of the little star-covered girl shining in the dark.

Julie, now...it's not a computer virus! Don't blame me. And yeah, being sick is so much nicer when you can read...though that 2 - 3 hour nap I had in the middle of the day sort of cut into the reading time.

Lisa said...

Oh, wonderful poem! Thanks.