Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Not Much Knitting To Speak Of...

...but a couple of books to mention.

Current Reading

Last night I finished up the second George R. R. Martin book in the series and, rather than dive face first into the next 900+ page behemoth in the series, I decided to insert a book or two. Well, it was going to be just one book, but I picked up Alan Bennett's The Uncommon Reader. And it took me all of 45 minutes to read. But what a pleasant 45 minutes. The book is sweet and charming and a little funny and right up a reader's alley. It did make me a little sad because I kept thinking about how much my mom would have enjoyed it. And that got me thinking about the books she's missed since she died...she never, for example, will know how the Harry Potter series ended. Sigh.

Then this morning, since that little book went by so quickly, I picked up a mystery I had snagged at Daedalus called Midnight Cab. Pretty good. There is one exceedingly vile character and I am waiting for him to get his just desserts.

Tomorrow...maybe some knitting.


Tabby said...

Oh, I felt the same about the end of Harry Potter for my Mum. It was she who turned me on to the books in the first place; it seemed a shame that she didn't get to find out what happened.


Anonymous said...

Yup. Dad died two years ago yesterday and I wish he could know about this job promotion I've received. He would have been proud of me and it would have validated what I do a living for him. They are gone, yet always there.


Anonymous said...

I love Uncommon Reader. Especially the ending.