Friday, October 12, 2007

Hello, Credit Card!

While cruising knitting blogs today, I stopped in at Needle Exchange and she mentioned a t-shirt. A t-shirt with this picture on it:

Well, I now have one of these shirts coming my way. And because I apparently have all the self-control of a toddler in a toy store, I ordered a second shirt, too. A different design, that is. Now I have to decide which two old t-shirts to ditch, because I have a lot of t-shirts. Ooh, if it comes in time, I could wear it to my spinning class! Under my Franklin "It itches" sweatshirt, if it's cold enough.

I had a little e-mail correspondence with Ms. Boto, my daughter's writing teacher from high school. When I was still a parent of a child there, I donated some of my scarves to the writing class to auction off to help support the literary magazine. I did it last year as well, even though my daughter had already graduated. This year I thought I would just send a check (because they are not allowed to have a "raffle" for the scarves, because that's (gasp) gambling it sometimes seemed as though my scarf donations were more trouble for Ms. Boto than otherwise). But she said she would love some more scarves.

All a long introduction to say that this afternoon I started this scarf.

The scarf shuffles through the autumn leaves.

I started it while waiting for Mr. Pointy Sticks to pick me up and worked on it during the ride home. And I'm so bad because I want it for myself!! This picture doesn't capture the yummy colors in this yarn from It's so-o-o-o-o-o pretty.

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