Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Round And Round And Round We Go!

I'm working on my sock...round and round and round. I am getting closer to the toe but at 12 rows to the inch, it's taking a while. And then, of course, there's the second sock. And I really have the itch to start another pair in some of the yummy sock yarn I've gotten recently.

And I'm working on the pinwheel blanket...round and round and round. I'm at about 22 inches in diameter. At about 5 rows to an inch, it's not the row count but the number of stitches that's getting to me. I'm about about 300 stitches per row. And the pattern (I nearly typed "recipe") calls for 430 in the last row before the seed stitch border. So, about 130 rows to go...each two longer than the two before. I like it a lot, though. I'm even thinking of going up to The Black Sheep to see what other colors of this yarn they have...a contrast color border might be kind of cool, don't you think? Depending on what colors they have...

And then I also want to start a scarf using one of those stitch patterns from the Japanese book. But I know if I do that, the sock will languish again.

Had two nice calls from Rachel today, as she is avoiding work on a paper for a class she loathes. She was telling me stories about school that made me think perhaps we should have some bail money set aside for her. Just kidding! And her friend Stephanie sprained her ankle, necessitating a trip to the health unit and crutches! Get better soon, Stephanie!

Perhaps I'll add some pictures this evening. (Oooh, I can hear everyone out there holding their breath.)

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