Friday, January 23, 2009

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry...

It's been a long week, filled with lots of work and little sleep. (I really have to stop staying up past my bedtime. And I wish Congress would stop introducing quite so many bills.)

And it's going to be a busy weekend, with the first installment of my three-part toe-up sock class tomorrow and my brother's birthday party on Sunday. I won't tell you how how he is, just that it's a nice round number. Very r-o-o-o-u-u-u-n-n-d. Hmmm...what round numbers do I know?

Anyway, I will try to remember to haul my camera around with me and get some interesting shots. And I got a little order from Webs today and I'll try to get pictures of that, too.

Right now, though, I'm going to wind my yarn for tomorrow and then I'm going to go upstairs and watch some Law & Order Season Six with the mister.

That's an evening I can get behind!

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