Sunday, January 27, 2008

Disorganized? Moi?!

It says something about the state of my house, I suppose, that I can put down a 763 page trade paperback, one that is deep blue (or is it purple?) with a huge blue (or is it purple?) foil crown on it, and not. be. able. to. find. it!

Off to do some more hunting.


Kitt said...

Maybe it's in the car?

Rooie said...

No...I had it down by the computer when I was discussing Martin with Abigail...and now it's gone. Argh. I'll have to start looking in the unlikely places.

Rooie said...

Aha! I found it!

becky c. said...

Don't you hate that!!! I am always losing my book, or my glasses, or both.

Unknown said...

Lord, I do that five or six times a week. Drives Mr Fuchsia crazy.