I've been playing around on Ravelry more and man, it could get addictive. Today I was skimming through the patterns section. Just the scarves. Just to see what sort of things are out there. And holy shmoly, there are some amazingly talented people out there knitting up the most beautiful scarves! It is both humbling and inspiring. I want to stay home (in the rain) and knit!
Only two more days until my spinning class! I am so excited about this.
I haven't yet ripped out the scarf I gave up on...in fact, I haven't given up on it. I knitted on it on the way to take Rachel to the train this afternoon. (She's off to visit her boyfriend in NY.)
So here's a picture:

It's hard to capture the colors, but this is fairly close.
Currently Reading
I finished The Extra Large Medium this afternoon. It's a very English book, though I can't put my finger on exactly why...the eccentric characters perhaps...the sort of matter-of-fact acceptance of the supernatural... Anyway, I enjoyed it. Don't know what's up next. Any chance it'll be Red Seas Under Red Skies? Wanna bet?
That's my feeling about ravelry, too -- that it could quickly become quite dangerous both in terms of time-suckage and project envy. Sitting around and knitting all day sounds lovely!
I am thinking I might devote some time this weekend to putting some of my stash up on Ravelry. Just because.
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