Whether man or mouse, the postal carrier was very, very good to me today. I found in my mailbox (well, actually, stuffed between storm and front doors):
- the t-shirts I ordered (and I am wearing the sheepy one as I type),
- The Myth of Simple Machines- Laurel Snyder (a fellow Readervillian)

- the yarn I ordered from my Yahoo group's co-op of yarn from 100purewool.com (for some scarves and some hats)

- and, most wonderfully, Brian Malloy's new book Brendan Wolf, which Amy from Think Knit offered up on Readerville's free books thread. (I loved Brian's first, The Year of Ice. I hear this is very different, but I still expect to like it.) But better yet, look at the adorable card Amy sent...with tiny knitting.

- And inside, another treat! A Day of the Dead stitch marker. I may just have to mark a stitch that doesn't need marking, this is so neat. Thank you, Amy! (Not a great picture...my camera isn't so good at the close-ups.)

Not too shabby!
Glad you liked it! Everyone needs a DOTD stitch marker. :-)
Love the stitch marker, and the yarn looks scrumptious! This is the place to be for book recs, too...
Try setting your camera on macro for close-ups. There should be a little flower icon to indicate it.
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