We heard from Rachel and she's having a good, if quiet, time in NY with Steve and his family. She's making brownies today for everyone. Lucky.
Later -
Whoo-hoo! I spun. Or is it "I span?" It was quite fun, though I can't say the teacher impressed me a whole lot. She was nice, but came unprepared (she had hand-outs and left them home). She didn't give us a lot of one-on-one advice, though there were only seven of us. I don't think she said anything directly to me (about the way I was spinning, at least) the whole three hours. And it would have been nice if she had introduced herself and had all of us introduce ourselves and perhaps say what our experience was. But....it was still a lot of fun and a worth-while three hours.
Here I am, all ready to go:

And look! My first yarn. I think I'll call it Fred. (The purple is called the leader. It's a bit of scrap yarn that you need to give your roving (the unspun yarn) something to grab onto.)

And by the end of the class, I had this:

I find that the hardest part if when I have to join a new piece of roving...things tend to go to Lumpyville then.
I felt so Ancient Greek.

Currently Reading
I started Generation Loss by Elizabeth Hand, which Kat sent me. It's so far grim and ominous and good. And it's kind of cool to think, when the book mentions Calais and Machias, "I've been there!"
That is too cool! Just think -- a whole new crafty field just opened up for you! There's no going back now, you know.
I keep thinking about all the gorgeous rovings that are available at the Sheep and Wool Show...
And yes, there are gorgeous roving available on Etsy...and eBay...
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