Thursday, October 11, 2007


According to the Ravelry tracker, there are today only "606 people are ahead of you in line." At the rate they are going, I could get my invite tomorrow or Saturday. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I have to admit that when I signed up, I expected to have 6 months or more of waiting, listening to what people were saying about the site (so far I've heard nothing but praise, though I have read some people's comments deploring the amount of time they spend there), deciding whether or not I really wanted to join. And now the decision is here.

So I'll be jumping on the bandwagon...or one of the bandwagons. We're talking serious numbers of knitters, folks. I think I am most interested, at the moment, in cruising through the pattern section and comparing different versions of the same pattern done by different people.

I've done several more repeats of the scarf pattern on my ISE5 scarf and I am beginning to think that I might be close to the end. For one thing, the second ball of yarn is dwindling. And I really think it's getting close to long enough. The pattern called (I may have mentioned this already) for 27 repeats. I've done 38. If I do two more repeats, I will have increased the length by about 50 percent. I think that'll do. Then I'll have the fun of wrapping everything up all pretty and sending it off. And then the fun of waiting for my scarf to show up!


Anonymous said...

Oh, don't worry about Ravelry. I've been in for ages. I just haven't had the time to devote to it, membership sits there, under KnitThink, and nothing happens.

Rooie said...

Oh, we can be Ravelry friends! If you want to, that is.