Well, there's good news. The
Maryland Sheep and Wool Show is only 201 days away! Sigh. That's a long time. Even before I took up knitting again, I loved going to the show. I love seeing the sheep, watching them being judged, watching the 4-H kids tending to them. Love watching the last minute trimming and tidying before the sheep gets led into the ring. (One year there was a tiny...I mean, teeny tiny....lamb bopping around in the crowd on his little springy legs while his or her mom was being tidied. I almost popped the cutie into my bag to bring home.) I love watching the sheep dog demos. Love the lamb-burgers and lamb sandwiches and lamb sausage. Love all the gorgeous yarn on display.
Someone on-line was complaining about the non-wool-related vendors...they didn't belong there, there were too many of them, they cluttered the fair up. She complained in particular about the knife vendor but I'll tell you, I bought the best paring knife
ever there and may buy another one next year. I almost cut my finger off with this knife, it's so sharp. Almost cut my finger off and didn't even feel it.
Maybe this evening I can post some pictures from last year's S&W.
Later - And here you go.
I love the llamas and alpacas. This year there was a baby alpaca but I didn't get a good picture of it.
A bag of beautiful curly locks, glowing in the sun.
Mama and her twins.
Like my do?
Waiting to enter the ring. Currently ReadingStill reading
Bridge of Sighs and still loving it. Russo just draws his characters so clearly. You see them, flaws and all, and still love them. It's a fine book.
The critter with the bangs/dreadlocks is definitely my favorite! The whole thing sounds utterly delightful, you lucky girl!
The sheep with the bangs had a wonderful owner who talked to us about sheep and stuff for a bit as she was doing some trimming on this critter.
It really is fun. I was lucky enough to go on two days last year.
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