But I promised you pictures of the Happy Fun Box, didn't I?
Elann Silky Tweed (Tweedy Silk? - whatever) Yeah, it's Tweedy Silk. Four skeins. Pretty blue flecks.

And then there's Champagne....who could turn down champagne? I think I said before that it was black and silver. But it's actually, now that I see it in the sunlight, a deep mossy bronze and silver. (Which I probably knew when I ordered it...I mean, Elann didn't lie and call it black. I just forgot.)

There's the Incense...wool, silk and bamboo...in the slightly darker icy green.

Very soft and nice.
And the last item in the Happy Fun Box is the Pure Alpaca.

Very, very, very soft. It looks gray, but if you look closely you see blues and reds. Why, yes, I do believe that is called "heather!" Rachel liked this one a lot so I think it is destined to be something for her.
And then today I got a new Happy Fun Box, this one from The Loopy Ewe. And it contained:
Two skeins of Smooshy Dream in Color (I've heard so much about the beauty of this yarn, I just had to order some). These are Flamingo Pie (the pinky one, natch) and Go Go Grassy (Guess! Yup, it's the green one!)

And finally, from Perchance to Knit by way of The Loopy Ewe, this:

How cool is that!
So let's see...there's just the box from Beaverslide to come. And tomorrow Arthur may take me up to The Black Sheep for a belated Christmas present...I don't really need the yarn (ya think?!) but they're having a sale so it's a good time to shop. (Is there ever a bad time?)
So doesn't all this make you want a Happy Fun Box of your own? (Heh. I have this mental image of Cyn reading this post and being compelled to order another Happy Fun Box and then she'll post about it and I'll be compelled to order and I'll post......and eventually they will find us, with empty bank accounts, buried under a mound of wool. But we'll have happy smiles on our faces.)
And I am such a geek. I entered Ann and Kay's recipe box contest and, no, I didn't win anything. In fact (sniff) I didn't even get mentioned in the round up of boxes. But I don't care because the day before I got an email from Ann! A reply to a comment I made. It just made my day! Such a dweeb, I am.
Current Reading
I am finishing up The Sportswriter. I wanted to like this. The first hundred pages or so were okay. But it just got duller and duller and I just don't get Frank Bascombe. I'm wondering if it's a guy thing. But I certainly don't think the way ole Frank thinks. And the conversations just seem off to me. All in all, not one I'd recommend, I'm afraid.
I'm already looking forward to the next book and I don't even know what it'll be.
Don't tempt me. :P That Tweedy Silk sure is a pretty colour...
Actually, I almost caved on Elann's Highland Silk bag sale, but by the time I'd looked up the colour I wanted on Ravelry, it was already sold out! So I am safely Happy Fun Box free... for now.
Let us know how the Incense knits up I am dying to hear a review!
I have a feeling Cyn might get to her Incense before I get to mine. This pink mohair scarf I'm knitting seems never ending!
I've been eying those yarns at Elann since I saw the preview. I have an elann credit that's burning a hole in my pocket. Hmmmmm, what to do, what to do.
You need a Happy Fun Box, I tell you! Though I think if I did it again, I'd pass on the Champagne. I keep looking at it, sitting all shimmery in its bag, thinking, "What do you want to be?"
I love that fresh herbs yarn... very pretty. And such great colours for me ;-)
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