Like this:

This is the start of Evelyn Clark's Oak Leaf and Acorn scarf. This is the one that I mentioned earlier, that I was looking at the Araucania sock yarn in browns for. This yarn is Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome that was sent to me by my International Scarf Exchange pal. It's nice, though it sometimes gets suddenly thin. And then thicker. This picture shows it as it will look after daughter and I were stretching this for the picture. Unstretched, it has a nice texture. Like so:

Sort of reminds me of a pine cone.
Oh, and the coolest thing? This starts with a provisional cast-on so that you work from the middle to one end and then pick up stitches at the provisional end and work to the second end. And it's the first one I've ever done. So, la la, go me.
And then there's this:

Fuzzy fuchsia goodness. This is Filatura Di Crosa yarn called Valentino 132. It's mohair and wool and acrylic and nice and soft. You may not be able to see that there are little flecks of contrasting colors...that's not lint. This scarf was (ahem) sort of buried in a pile of stuff next to my comfy chair and I had forgotten all about it. It's a simple k2tog, yo, k1,yo, ssk, k2tog, yo, infinitum until your eyes bleed. Easy to do in the car and when I'm feeling brainless.
Want some more pink?
I really like that pinecone-y stitch. It's reminiscent of shells, also. And that's some pink.
[duh, sorry for the deletion. Signed in with wrong account.]
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