Just a quick post before I toddle off to bed to show off the yarn I bought in Fredericksburg. The colors are all going to look a little washed out, I think, because the sun was so bright this morning when I took the pictures.
First off, some Noro Matsuri - 87 % cotton, 13 % wool. Very very soft. I'm thinking scarf. Maybe more entrelac. Maybe for me. Who knows?

Then, a pattern and yarn for making a baby sweater for an expectant mom in the office. She's due in June, so I have a little time.
Sirdar's Tiny Tots in denim.

And lastly, some Mission Falls Cotton...they have a sample sweater there in this. A really lovely cardigan with random stripes of about eight different colors....it's one that shows up in their ads all the time. Anyway, I picked up some random colors to play with for a scarf or something. A pure impulse buy.

I went into the shop (It's called the Knitter's Cottage and is on William Street in Fredericksburg) telling myself that I wouldn't buy anything that I could find at The Black Sheep. But there was very little overlap. One thing I would say...they didn't seem to have any "local" yarns or hand-dyes...all big operation yarns. Noro, Debbie Bliss, Colinette, Mission Falls, Cascade. It's a nice shop. I could see stopping there again sometime.
Aw, how cute. Is that your first spam?
Actually, that's my second one. Whoo-hoo!
Knitting for a colleague's expected child? How did you decide what to knit? I find myself in this dilemma often as they are invariably of the next generation and I can never be sure that they will have the same tastes as me. Thanks for visiting my blog.
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