As if knowing that I might need some cheering up, I came home to this:

Ah, Noro! Did I mention this buy? A few weeks ago I got one of those "Check out our yarn sale" emails from Herrschners. Usually what they are offering is...well, not to my taste. Lots of acrylic, lots of novelty yarns, lots of baby yarn. But I was bored and I opened it. It said "Check out the goodies we found during inventory!" So I did. And there, amidst the fun fur and tassels and acrylic were these 11 skeins of Kureyon. For $4.97 a piece. They were described as "brown, green and purple" so I thought I might be getting more of the colorway I did Monsieur L'Entrelac in. Which I liked, so that was no problem. But man, look at these colors!

Not a brown to be seen. I think this might be Lady Eleanor sitting here.
Mr. Pointy Sticks is going to be picking up Japanese food for dinner tonight. Might as well milk this tooth trauma for all it's worth.
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