But last night, as I was rummaging in the stash, trying to find the Fearless Fibers I showed y'all yesterday, I realized that I do have some greens. Though admittedly, most of them are greens combined with another color. Here are just a few of them.

From left to right, they are: Cherry Tree Hill in Holly, Dream in Color Smoochy in Go Go Grassy, Perchance to Knit in Fresh Herbs, some gorgeous sock yarn from the Sharing shop on Etsy in Envy, some Tahki Kerry in a grey-ish green, and Black Bunny Fibers Bamboo Sock in Lagoon (which is so-o-o-o soft and nice). And there's my still-in-progress Son of Serpentina scarf in a poison green Filatura di Crosa Portofino.
And the barely tolerant cat in the middle of all that green....that's my ole pal, Gizmo. He joined us 14 years ago, on Rachel's 6th birthday. But he bonded with me...he's definitely my cat. Follows me from room to room. Sleeps with me (when I boost him up on the bed...he's not jumping as well these days). My sweetie.
And look...more greens! Spring must be here. Do you suppose they'll still be in bloom when I get to Y?

And a handsome boy he is. The yarn is pretty too... but I have more of an eye for the critters.
Hey, H is for hellebores!
Oooh, that's a good suggestion...I can go with that.
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