"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything."
A while ago Rachel asked me if I would be willing to knit a Jayne Cobb hat for a friend of hers -- all red, and orange and yellow. Seems another friend wanted to make this friend such a hat and bought the yarn but found the knitting was not so much her thing. So Rachel offered me up. And it was really fun. And now it's all done.
And here is the proof that I have no shame.

Me in the cunning hat.

The back of the cunning hat, showing off the pom-pon. (Please to admire the (nearly) jogless striping! Thank you.)
I sort of had to model it. Mr. Pointy Sticks refused and Gizmo....

Well, that just didn't work....
I'll tell you this is a hat that could probably stop bullets. It's made from two strands of Lion Brand Felting Wool (I had to use two strands to come close to gauge). It is thick and very warm.
And ooooooh, how I miss Firefly. And oooog, I think I've caught Mr. Pointy Stick's cold.
(Sort of a lame-o entry for the letter O. Go look at some Opal sock yarn. Pretty stuff...particularly the Hundertwasser colors in that last link.)
Looks great!
I like your t-shirt, too.
I love the pics! Especially Gizmo. Poor kitty!
LOL Too Funny.
Yeah, Gizmo's a long suffering cat. The second after the shutter snapped, though, he began backing up as hard as he could to get away.
Yay! A true Jayne Cobb hat!
You look adorable!
You so remind me of your mother in this--physically and atitudinally. I'm sorry she can't read your postings--perhaps from the great Bookmobile in the sky.
I met someone Tuesday at the party for the opening of our new clinic who reminded me so much of her--a quasi-retired M.D. whose latest trumpeting correction of the local populace is a continued iteration of the difference between "fewer" or "less" (of course, should be "lesser," but anyway....)
There will always be an England.
Great looking hat.
Wow Rooie, that's some hat!!!! And, I thought it was a great entry for O. This post reminds me that I need to knit little hats for my kitties.....
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