So, no snow here...looks like it headed north.
The Chevron V2 is packed up and will get sent off tomorrow. Here's a last picture or two of it.

And an extreme close-up. (Colors are much truer here. The first one is washed out for some reason.)

And for anyone looking at this Classic Elite Countess yarn on Webs, you might be interested in knowing that the yarn starts out pretty soft but after you wash and block, it is soft as anything. I think I might have to order some more.
And we got the new fridge. The delivery time was supposed to be between 2:45 and 4:45. The guys showed up at about 6:15. They had apparently had some hellish deliveries. Ours went very smoothly...I think it took them about 10 minutes total. And the new fridge is humming away.

We think it's happy to be here.

Ooooh. The scarf has nice holiday colors, but what I REALLY love is the shinyprettyspiffy fridge. Congratulations!
Hmmm . . . Looks like your refrigerator is a block head.
Hey, no insulting the fridge. He's a real cool guy!
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