Step 2) Request and get one and a half hours leave for that day (today).
Step 3) Drive home through the snow to find a phone message from the plumber asking if they could come earlier because of the snow.
Step 4) Call the plumber back to say we are home.
Step 5) Be asked by the plumber if they could possibly reschedule because their trucks don't handle well in the snow.
Step 5) Stare blankly at your husband while he stares blankly at you and realize that you don't want to go out and do anything fun to justify that hour and a half....because of the snow!
Did I mention it was snowing?

You know, I was thinking this morning about how all the expert meteorologists we have out there now sort of take the fun out of it. There they were last night saying, "Snow expected with accumulations of about an inch." And then this morning, "Snow should be starting about 8:00 a.m., with accumulations of about 1 to 2 inches." And sure enough, at 8 a.m. I looked outside and, sure enough, the first flakes were falling.
But I guess they don't know everything. They are now saying we could get 4 inches or more. Every now and then there's a storm that comes through and sticks around for longer then anyone expects and dumps lots of snow on us. I'm sort of hoping this is one of those.
Ohhhh... I thought this was about how to burn leaves. And I was thinking, Cool, a bonfire!
Not that we're allowed to do that in the greater metro area, but it always sounds like fun.
Oh, I miss the smell of burning leaves. There is something so autumnal about a bonfire of leaves. I remember standing around while my dad and brother burned the leaves...
Not allowed any longer, alas, though I guess I appreciate the improved air quality.
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