The trim of booties and hat will be in the solid green, the rest in the multi-color. I've been wanting to try Mama E's yarn so this was a good excuse.
And Tracy thrust this Araucania sock yarn at me and I had to get it....I mean, look at these colors! Yum.

And I got Malabrigo (or, as it should properly be called MMmmmmMMMmmmMMMalabrigo) for my cousins' hand warmers but I don't want to show the picture as at least one of them visit here. So there, ML! It's going to be a surprise! Though I'm already rethinking my color selections... Tracy had a pair of Malabrigo mittens worked up that she had me slip on my hands...I was almost tempted to shop-lift.
Sometime Later
Starting this afternoon at about 3, and taking a couple hours off to go to Borders and to have dinner out, the first mitt is now finished, except for weaving in the ends. It's not the best looking mitt in the world, but it sure is quick. And it looks a lot better on a hand then just lying on one's desk.
I hope you like it!
It's lovely! There were so many gorgeous colors. And I've been admiring them there since they arrived so I was so happy to have an excuse to buy some.
But oh, the decision was so hard! I almost bought one that was pink and white and green but I think these colors are better for the mom.
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