Two of the professors who work at Towson are married and have a website, Claymonster. (Go look at their other stuff...check out the Frankenstein mug on the Pottery page! I'll wait.) As it turns out, both of the things I bought were made by Cat Holt, the wife, who happened to be the person to check me out when it came time to buy them.

The mug is such a beautiful shape and feels so nice in your hand. And the colors are lovely...very soft and subtle. The Monster Jug...I just couldn't resist him. In fact, when I picked him up he grabbed my hand and just wouldn't let go.

I told her that there were three or four others that I really wanted, too, and she said, "I heard you laughing at them...I turned to [the woman sitting next to her] and said, 'That's why I make those.'" So that was fun. (I was actually thinking that perhaps I should have saved Jug for a Christmas present for Rachel but she tells me it's "creepy" so I guess it's good I didn't.)
Then we headed back to my house where we picked up Mr. Pointy Sticks and headed up to the California Pizza Kitchen for lunch. Very tasty.
On the way we passed this:

"Oh look," said my brother, "it's Inflate-O-World." (Copyright to my brother.)
Little something for everybody there...Mickey, Pooh, tilting tree, Grinch (hiding behind the tilting tree), non-tilting tree, Snoopy (hiding behind the non-tilting tree), Frosty. I really should walk up there this evening and see if it isn't all lit up. Anyone want to take bets? I'm betting yes.
Current Reading
Yesterday in Borders I saw, and could not resist buying, Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghosts. What a great collection of spooky, eerie or just plain weird stories. Though actually one of my favorite stories in the book (yes, I stayed up far too late because I just couldn't stop reading them) was about an autistic (I think) kid (who is the narrator of the story) and his father, a baseball coach. Really nice story with no hauntings or ghosts, just this great relationship.
Joe Hill, in case there is someone who's not been following this, is Stephen King's son. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. (And man, does he look like his dad.) I expect Mr. King is mighty proud. His son is a heck of a writer.
ooooooooo pretty pretty!!!
I think they may have added one since last weekend . . .
I really need to walk up there and see if I can get a night-time picture.
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