Mr. Pointy Sticks and I passed up the bird walk this Saturday...he's off playing tennis with a friend and I slept in. My brother and his significant other went. Now watch. This week they'll see all sorts of cool things. Like penguins. (Later - My brother reports that they saw a Golden Crowned Kinglet. But no penguins.)
One of the things I want to do this weekend is take pictures of some of my stash and start getting it up on Ravelry. I can't think about this too much because then I'll start wondering why exactly I want to do it. But I think that it might be good to have a record of what I actually have lurking in all those tubs in the family room. I might really get some odd looks fromt he neighbors with my camera and a whole Rubbermaid tub of yarn out on the ole Front Porch of Photography. Perhaps I should move to the back yard.
This is so-o-o cool. One of my favorite Readervillians lives in Nashville and has a dog named Mr. Burns...who was dressed as a chicken for Halloween. And today I go to Mason-Dixon and (if you scroll down about halfway) there is a dog dressed like a chicken who looks an awful lot like Mr. Burns! Virtual intersection! I cannot express in words how cool I think this is.
Currently Reading
I finished The Case of the Missing Books. I would not recommend it. At all. To anyone. Unless they need to balance an uneven table or something.
Now focused on The Godmother.
And everyone (well, a couple of people) on Readerville is reading and talking about The House of Leaves and their comments make me want to find my copy, which I've never read and which is in some box of books somewhere....
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