is the picture from the kitchen calendar.

This is the calendar in our office.

Do you detect a theme?
I wish I could take a picture of my calendar at work. It's got a great picture from Sendak's In the Night Kitchen. But alas, no cameras allowed at work.
And, just to see how far I can push the blog's readers tolerance for cat pictures....look at this sweet sleeping cat.... (I like the way it sort of loos as though he's sucking his thumb.)

I DO see a theme! Thanks for playing!!
I *love* those calendars. And that is a very sweet sleeping kitty.
That second one looks just like Mr. Bonkers, although I've never seen him catch a fish. Which might have something to do with the fact that we're landlocked... but I'm sure he'd love to. He gets him lots of birds.
Now that my scanner is finally working, I'll post a November calendar picture too.
sweet sleeping kitty... and happy november birthday! I'm the 12th...
Sweet sleeping puss. Lovely photo.
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