Sigh. So all evening, while I was biking and while I was winding down from biking and while I was watching
The Office, Gizmo was nowhere to be found. (Well, actually, I think he was up sleeping on Rachel's bed...the point is that he wasn't on the mohair throw folded on the corner of my computer table where he normally spends the evening.) "Great!" I think, "I can take that throw off and take some more yarn pictures and load them into my Ravelry stash...especially since Readerville seems to be down."
Two minutes before The Office's Giz, asking to be up on my lap. And where is he now?

Again. Sigh.
He's pretty.
(Any idea *why* Readerville is down?)
Thanks. He's a good old cat, and very attached to me....for better or for worse.
No idea why Readerville's absent...server problems I assume.
Well, I for one am getting itchy.
Me, too.
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