But I love it. And all the goodies that came with it.

Lookie, lookie! a yummy scarf out of SWS, in colors that will go with two of my winter coats...well, actually three, since everything goes with black. There are cute little Christmas-y stitch markers hiding there behind the Chocolate Covered Pretzels (yum), there are Mary Englebreit notecards (one of which will probably be used for a thank you note I need to write) and a Mary Englebreit list pad (I love Mary Englebreit...such a clever Secret Pal I have!), there's a jingley, sparkley Christmas ornament, my lovely scarf and a skein of Cherry Tree Hill Sockittome in Earth. I wouldn't say I was usually an earth-tone kind of person, but oh, these colors are lovely. rich browns from mahogany to walnut to teak. Just lovely.
I like my scarf so much, I'll even put out a picture of me wearing it!

Thank you so much, Becky! (Becky is yoda knit.) You made my week.
Can we get started on next year's swap now?!
after all the waiting and all the "le sigh" posts i was smiling for you when i saw the scarf exchange blog. lovely scarf. i'm so glad you are happy :))
Oh, I love my scarf and I love getting a surprise package. It was all fun. I can't wait to do it again.
Yay, you got it! So glad you like it and that it will match your coats. I couldn't resist the cute note cards - I am addicted to Christmas stuff so I figure everyone else must be too. And now I can stop being a secret stalker and comment on your blog!
I love your scarf! I remember seeing it when it was posted a week or so ago and liking it then. I can't wait to do this exchange again either!
That is gorgeous!!
I haven't gotten mine yet... I'm all a flutter waiting for it!
Yeah, this is one that I admired on the blog, too. Of course, I've admired almost every single one.
Heather, I hope your scarf comes soon.
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