I'm casting around for the next knitting project. Of course, I still have the Mystery Stole to work on. I have wound up the skein of gorgeous wool/silk yarn that I got at Done Roving Farm in Maine this summer.

There is only one skein of this, 300 yards, so it would probably be a skinny, lacy sort of scarf. Look at that sheen. And those colors. Yum. I love this.
But I also have the Morehouse Merino Dragon Scarf kit and I've wound that up in balls. (The yarn is soft but boy, is there a lot of vegetable matter!) What to do, what to do?

Actually, what I should do is just hold off for a day or two until I hear about my International Scarf Exchange partner and what his or her wishes are.
Currently Reading
Today I read Terry Pratchett's Making Money. I don't know that it's a good as Going Postal...maybe it was a little too much like Going Postal 2. But still, a not-the-best Terry Pratchett is better than most books. I could have used more Adora Bella Dearheart.
Now I've picked up Diana Abu-Jaber's Origin, about a fingerprint examiner in a lab in Syracuse, NY. She gets involved in investigating a series of crib deaths, while her private life begings to unravel. No real opinion of it yet as I'm only on page 38.
But here...just for pretty....

I haven't read of Diana A-J's fiction, but I really enjoyed her memoir, "The Language of Baklava." Cooked a recipe from it earlier this year.
I'm really liking this so far, though the reader does have to buy into the fact that the narrator was raised by apes for the first few years of her life....
Raised by apes? Interesting. Crib death is the hook that got me. Oh, dear, a merely good Pratchett. I can't wait until Christmas, I may have to get it from the library before then.
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