First off, I got my order from The Loopy Ewe in the mail. This was my first order from them but it certainly won't be my last. They have beautiful yarns and other nice stuff. But they also provide very good communication with you about your order during the process (notification that the order was received and that it was shipped) and they enclosed a lovely note and some free goodies. Needle inventory sheets and some free samples of some Regia sock yarns. I think I'm in love with the Regia silk. And look at the yummy yarn I got from The Knittery, (one of Loopy Ewe's suppliers) all the way from Australia. It is so soft and the colors are so rich. Yum. And the little tin is something I plan to throw into my International Scarf Exchange package.

And that wasn't all the postman brought me. I got my package from England with the newest Peter Dickinson, a couple of Jane Gardam's, and a young adult book by an unknown-to-me author...but hey, it sounded good.

Then, in our little jaunt to Trader Joe's, I walked into the Barnes and Noble and there was this:

Sigh. Terry Pratchett, how I love you. Barring earthquakes, amputations and a complete breakdown of the social network, Mr. Pointy Sticks and my daughter and I will be heading into DC next weekend for the Book Festival, there to hear Terry speak and to have our books signed (yes, that's a plural -- I bought a second copy for my daughter). I. cannot. wait!
This also allows me to postpone Red Seas Under Red Skies a little longer as I whiz through Making Money. So it will hold the potential for being the best book ever at least a little longer.
I also found, and snapped up, this:

I don't know how much will be new to me, since I think I've read her blog from beginning to end, but I love the way Laurie writes and I love being able to support her (and her cats) just a little bit. (And it's a crime, a crime I tell you, that Sobakawa doesn't grace the front of this book.)
And then...

I finished my cousin's scarf this morning listening to Wait, Wait. Now I just have to decide about fringe. ML votes yes for fringe. Haven't yet heard from the owner of the object. Though I generally don't go for fringe, I'm thinking it would be good in this instance. Any opinions?
And the dinner at my aunt and uncle's last night? So much fun. There was enough food to feed a football team, including a huge tray of gigantic steamed shrimp. I could have OD'd on them. So good. And we all had lots of laughs. I do enjoy my family.
A lovely Saturday indeed. I think I will just come over to your house and shop your bookshelves -- and perhaps your stash.
I'm sure the rest of your family won't mind if I just camp out on the living room floor, right?
Heh. If you can find room on the living room floor to stretch out, you're more than welcome. My next-door neighbor refers to my house as the "Library." I have a shelf for her in my living room where I put books that I think she might like in particular.
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