And this one is of the section I'm working on now, which is feathery. I only loosely stretched it (didn't want it slipping off the needle) and pinned it for the pictures. Blocking it...that's going to be a whole 'nother problem. I think blocking wires might help. (Oh, a birthday idea to pass on to Mr. Pointy Sticks!)

In other news, I seem to have picked up some sort of bug. I was sitting around yesterday evening with my teeth chattering. Felt a little better this morning and made it to work where I discovered I only had two aspirins with me. So by the time I headed home, I was pretty miserable...achy, teeth chattering. Got home and sure enough I have a fever (which I already knew because my skin was so sore.) Hope this passes quickly because I don't want to pass anything on to Terry Pratchett.
Currently Reading
Still plowing along in Louise Dean's Becoming Strangers. I'm not a very intelligent reader...I like to be entertained, generally...sucked into the book. (Does anyone else out there, when you're reading a really good book, actually see the book happening in your mind? I mean, see the rooms in which the book is taking place and the people and their clothes?) Which is all to say that I am sure this Louise Dean book is a smart book...certainly people on Readerville like her books. But it's also sort of dull. The people aren't terribly interesting, or terribly nice. But I'm not abandoning it yet.
Beautiful Lace! such patience and paying attention that takes, I find I don't have that dedication especially when it comes to the little itty bitty yarn...
Oh, that is so beautiful.
Beautiful! I'm so impressed by your patience and attention to detail.
Thanks. It really isn't hard...but yeah, patience. That's required. Especially when doing the same pattern over and over. You can't see it in the pictures but the middle section has a little cat's paw design. And there was an option to do a section of that twice, to give the stole an additional 11". Now, that was tedious!
I've also found that it also helps to cultivate the ability to stay calm after you've royally screwed up.
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