I was sitting this afternoon, skimming through this nice book that my brother-in-law and his wife gave me for Christmas...

It's an Interweave Press book, so, as I've said before about Interweave books, it's a nice one. It's a sequel to Vicki Square's first kimono book and they are both full of gorgeous designs. As I was admiring the cover kimono I looked over the requirements... It's knit out of Berroco Mica. "Hmmmm," I thought, "that sounds really familiar. I think that might be on sale at Webs." Went and checked and yes, it is...half-price. So I now have enough Mica to knit this sweater coming my way from Massachusetts. In purple. I had a hard time deciding on the color. They had the pretty yellow shown in the book, but yellow can be hard to wear. There was a color called Cinnabar that might have been nice, but it looked like it might have been too melon-y pink. Rachel was on the phone with me and looked at the colors, too, and she agreed on the purple. So purple it is!
In other news, this weekend I made significant progress on Rachel's alpaca sweater. On Saturday I finished knitting the sleeves, sewed one shoulder, knit the collar. And today I sewed the sleeves onto the body. Know I just need to sew up the side seams and arm seams and weave all the ends in. The end's in sight!!
I also started one of the baby hats for one of the two office babies. Out of the yarn that had the little baby block beads on it. I think they are going to be pretty darn cute. Pictures when the first one is done.
Can't wait to see it. I almost picked purple for this dress I started knitting, then I went with a light brown "suede" color. I'm too chicken with color.
They actually had a sort of mushroom color I thought about for a brief moment...until I realized that it wouldn't go with anything I own. I sort of feel that this sweater might look better in a lighter color...but I wear a lot that purple would go with. The only problem with wearing purple in Baltimore is that everyone assumes you're a Ravens fan. Ugh.
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