I have a couple of new books to mention here but no one but the knitters will be interested. But the Knitting Book Fairy was very nice to me this week.
First, I got this:

Okay, it's an Interweave book, so right away you know it gorgeously designed with beautiful photos and great patterns. I mean, look like this:

I'm not sure I can imagine knitting all those cables, but my god, this is gorgeous! And look at this pair of pretty fuzzy mittens!

They look so soft and yummy...and I love the tiny pearl buttons on the cuffs. Want mitts instead? How about these?

Such a pretty stranded pattern...of course the colors are lovely and that helps.
Finally....look at this hat!

Mary Linn, this hat made me think of you... I love it.
For the knitty-gritty (see what I did there?), the book contains patterns for -- eight sweaters (five cardigans, 3 pullovers), two shawls and a scarf, four hats, three patterns of stockings/legwarmers and four patterns for mitts or mittens. So, 22 patterns, mostly lovely. (Okay, the cardigan with beavers? Not so much me.)
And what else did the Book Fairy bring me? Well, we're going from the sublime to the silly....

Hee...these guys just make me laugh. I think I need to knit me some monsters.
Now, those are some seriously beautiful patterns--all of them. I am especially, as I feel compelled to make you aware if its somehow inexplicably escaped your notice, fond of cables. I'm just in awe, really, I am--shades of our childhood British holiday. Hope you make something FOR YOURSELF out of that book.
Yes, I knew you loved cables! That's why I chose the hat I knit for you!
And you're not fond of lace.
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