I've been busy in the evening starting and re-starting the September Mystery Socks that we are knitting in the Sock Knitters Anonymous group on Ravelry. I don't know why it's been so hard to get these started! Last night I realized that the second sock (I am doing both at once for some reason...I guess mostly to see if I like doing it that way...) had the wrong number of stitches so I had to rip that out and cast on for the sixth time! This is not rocket science, people! I shouldn't be having this much trouble!
But here they are so far:

The yarn is nice. Shibui Knits in Finch. Very smooshy and nice.
I've also been working on a scarf for Rachel, though I'd be happer with it if I hadn't noticed yesterday that I made a mistake wa-a-a-a-ay back there at the beginning. (I'm about a third of the way through it.)
And I've been getting some reading done.
Current Reading
Ferris Beach by Jill McCorkle. A coming-of-age novel, set in the 70s. Funny and sad and wonderfully written.
Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon. The stories of three seemingly unconnected people echo and reverberate and ultimately collide. While I didn't love this one the way I loved You Remind Me of Me, the shifting identities and sense of uncertainty and danger that pervades the book are pretty compelling.
Something Missing by Matthew Dicks. An unusual housebreaker gets caught up, first in the lives of the people whose houses he burgles and, finally, in his own life, which he's been avoiding. I enjoyed this a lot. There are some fine turns of phrase that made me laugh.
And there were a couple of others finished up this week, that I'll throw over on the list.
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