The kid is settled in her dorm...

on a pleasant quad....

that is reached, when one moves in, by the most loathed steps I've ever met.

These puppies are steep and everything had to be carried up them and around to the front of the building...and then up another flight of stairs.
Amidst the settling in and the shopping for last minute stuff and food, we did manage to pay a visit to the Eric Carle Museum again.

This cake was to celebrate the birthday of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We saw a nice exhibit of Tomi Depaolo's artwork. Gorgeous stuff.
And we got to Webs...I'll do a separate post with pictures of my goodies.
Saturday morning, Mr. Pointy Sticks and I left South Hadley and headed to Boston to visit with my sister-in-law. We went to Lexington and Concord. Saw the Old North Bridge.

Pretty place on a beautiful day.

But this is what moved me the most.

In Boston we stayed at a Marriot and I had to laugh. I know times are tight and we're all trying to save money...but really! Here are our shampoo and conditioner bottles.

They look about normal, right?'s the side view.

These are not squozen down...they really were this narrow. Almost two-dimensional!
And the beds were disgustingly soft.
1 comment:
I'm late with this comment, but I just had to share. I live in Cambridge, MA, and have been to Concord a number of times--and I'm always moved by the grave of the British soldiers by North Bridge. I believe the small crosses with poppies are placed there by the British War Graves Commission. It's very touching somehow that they're still looking after the graves of those soldiers who were killed back in 1775.
Best of luck to your daughter as she begins her new semester!
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