I was very glad it was dark so that no one saw me. Though then, of course, I tell everyone about it here. Go figure.
The bathroom is proceeding and we now have a ceiling in the computer room. Pretty exciting. Heavens knows what sleeping amid the odors of glue and the dust of drywall is doing to us...and to the cats. But whatever.
I am still knitting away on my second Smooshy sock (only two rows before I start the toes decreases, which will take no time at all), and working on the cardigan for baby Alexandra.
I will, I think, be in prime shape to start up the Brunch for Beth socks that I will be doing next. Just in time to work on them on the way to and from Fredericksburg (we're going to pick up Miss R. -- Yay!).
If I ever get my non-laptop hooked up again, I'll actually have pictures to show you. In fact, I felt the blog was so boring without pictures....

Sigh. One of these days there will be real pictures again.
Oh...and about ten minutes after I wrote in the last post about getting new carpet in the computer room? I walked in there to be greeting by a huge messy hairball, courtesy of Duncan. Perhaps that's why I'm not rushing right out to recarpet the house....
Oooh, I'm glad you didn't land on your face! Hope your boo-boos heal soon.
Heh. Especially the boob-boo. Not fun.
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