So, Roland, an old friend of Rachel's, helped me model Toby's sweater, though he complained a bit about it being too warm for a sweater, really. I told him to suck it up.

He prefers the following shot, as he felt it captured a certain insouciant BMOC quality. Plus, he says, the greenery brings out his tawny coloring nicely. Whatever, Roland.

And look, we have another daffodil blooming, this one a pale yellow/pale pink sort of combo.

And finally, the maple has progressed from flowers to seeds to fuzzy little leaves. So cute. You know, for what's basically a weed tree.

The sweater looks fabulous! When I see the tiny garments, I always get a shock at how tiny the little people really are.
Well, Roland's pretty big. The sweater is a 9-12 month size.
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