So zounds! What to write about? I've never put a zipper in anything (well, except when I made a felted bag for Rachel.

You can see what a stellar job I made of that! Hey, it was my first zipper and I was making it up as I went along!
Hmmm...I own no yarn from Zen Yarn Garden, though their yarn looks lovely. Nor any from Zen String. I do own some Zephyr...but that's not really terribly exciting.
So perhaps I'll leave this challenge with Zzzzzzzz''s always a good time for a nap. Here's hoping I haven't bored anyone too terribly on my ramble through the alphabet. It's sort of sad to think that it's over. Whatever will I maunder on about now?
And speaking of Zzzzzz''s amazing how much better one feels when one puts oneself to bed at 10 p.m. instead of one's usual practice of getting into bed at 11 p.m. and reading until 11:30. One may have to consider doing this more often.
This challenge has been fun...though sometimes rather nerve-racking as I tried to come up with something to fit the day's letter. I've enjoyed this, Ruth, so thanks for the challenge.
On no, what on earth will I write about tomorrow?!
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