Let's see...where to start? With the rushing around or with the early, pleasant part of the evening? I'll opt for the first.
So, this pinwheel blanket is chugging along. Yes, it's taking me about 15 minutes to do a row now...or maybe that's two rows...and yes, I have four or five more skeins of blue to work on. But I got it in my head that I wanted to do the seed stitch border that the pattern calls for in a different color. And the yarn is on sale this month at The Black Sheep. And I'm going to be busy Saturday. But the shop is open until 5 on Friday so the long-suffering, ever-patient Mr. Pointy Sticks agreed to stop on the way home and let me run in and get the yarn I wanted. So in I went, warmly greeted by Tracy and Joyce...gosh, I just love this shop! And I pulled hanks of Araucania Nature Cotton out and tried several different colors...a yellow, a purple, a melon. I ended up with this:

Red. I like it.
Then Tracy was giving me a tour of the new yarns they've gotten in the last couple of weeks. They had a basket full of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport. And in my delirium of working those teensy tiny little stitches for the current sock, the idea of a sport weight sock experience was just overwhelmingly appealing. As was this colorway:

Icehouse. I like it.
So, I left the shop all happy, showing off my goods to Mr. Pointy Sticks. His comment: "Yes, it's soft. All your yarn is soft. Don't you have some an awful lot like that?" I ignored the second part of that.
We headed up to Wegman's and had a Chinese food bar dinner and did a little grocery shopping. I got some macaroni salad which I need like a hole in the head but I've had a craving for.
Got home to find a package from The Loopy Ewe. No, I really didn't need to order anything from The Loopy Ewe, you're right. Yes, I had gotten a package from them not long ago. Shut up.
You see, they had little Loopies in stock. I had to order one, soft touch that I am for stuffed animals. And if I was going to order a little Loopy, well, I had to order some yarn so that she would have a soft place to rest during her travels. Okay, that sounds more than a little wacko. But anyway, there was a box and here is what was in it.

Chameleon Colorworks Bambino (bamboo, merino and nylon) in the Glacial Moraine colorway. Subtle. I like it.

Dream in Color Smooshy in Deep Seaflower. I seem to be leaning more toward the semi-solids and subtler colors lately.
I think Little Loopy liked her cushions. She looks pretty happy.

So there we were. Home, nice mail, groceries unpacked, photos taken, yarn fondled.
And then got a somewhat frantic phone call from Rachel. Her laptop is dying...working for about five minutes and then cutting out. She has papers to write. She has finals next week. She was not happy. To make a long story short, we hustled out to Office Depot and bought a
laptop and then hustled over to Fed Ex and shipped it to her. She'll have it Monday morning. It's really mine...she'll be home in a week for a two-week stay before summer school starts and we will, at that point, see about repairing or replacing her laptop. And I'll get this one back and not be tied to the computer room anymore. What's the fun of having wireless if you are stuck sitting in one room in the house, right? Cool, huh?
I snuck my camera to work today and took some pictures of the pretty tulips out front. I really should plant some tulips...they don't last long, but they sure are pretty.