I'm not a big fan of this yarn, I can tell you that. (It's Portofino by Filatura di Crosa, purchased at Webs.) The nylon binder thread throws a hissy fit at the slightest provocation, going all frazzy and sticking out all over. I should really be working this on bamboo needles, too, instead of these very slippery aluminum ones, but of the umpteen-hundred pairs of size 8 knitting needles I own, do you think I have any in bamboo? No.
On the plus side, though, the finished fabric feels delightfully drapy and slinky. Like a real serpent.
I'll try to add some pictures this evening. And...here they are:

Jumpy, the Gotch-Eyed Cat meets Son of Serpentina

S's Hat, guarded by the Axolotl of Warm Ears
I am all excited thinking about the entrelac class on Saturday. I think I'm going to treat myself to some pretty Noro, probably Kureyon but perhaps Silk Garden.
Current Reading
I finished up Midnight Cab this morning. It was...okay. It was a page-turner up till the end and then started feeling a little flat to me for some reason.
So now I'm going to start the third George R. R. Martin, A Storm of Swords. I am almost tempted to peek at the end to see if my favorite characters make it through this next volume.
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