In the package, along with a sample of Soak and a sample of honey lip balm, were these two beauties.
Dream in Color Classy in Gothic Rose

Madelinetosh in Umoja - Don't those colors just sing!?

And here is Margot's hat....ta da!

Now, it's a perfectly fine little cap. And if Margot wants, it'll stay that way. But I thought it might be cute to jazz it up a little with some buttons. There are four choices -
Shell (could use one or both)




So give me your opinions....buttons or not? If buttons, which ones? Of course, if Margot chimes in here, her opinion will outweigh all of yours (sort of like being Ohio in 2004)...but go ahead, vote anyway!
Must go feed the cats...Duncan is glaring at me and Gizmo is reaching up and patting my elbow as I type in case I've forgotten that I own cats.
The leaves!!! Gotta be the leaves.
Funny you should say that...Margot chose the leaves!
But man, I love those little acorns.
I would have voted for the leaves too.
Splendid hat! Lovely. I'd have voted for the leaves, too.
That gothic rose yarn is some kind of yummy.
Isn't it yummy!? And it feels good, too.
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