We went down to Fredericksburg this morning to fetch Rachel back for spring break. Easy trip down. I got to go to the yarn shop. (I'll show you what I got tomorrow when there's some sunshine...or at least daylight.) It's a nice yarn shop.
And we all went out to lunch at Sammy T.'s and that was yummy.
The ride home was long. So I pulled out the sweater and knit away at the armhole decreases - all 20 rows of them. And the instructions say that at the end you should have 102 stitches on the needles. So I get through all the decreases and I'm admiring them...lined up so nicely, 10 on one side 10 on the other. Looks great! Well, let's count the stitches just to be sure. One, two, three, four...sixty-five, sixty-six...Mr. Pointy Sticks asks me something and I lose my place. One, two, three, four....forty-six, forty-seven....ninety-nine, one hundred......one hundred and one? No more? Hmmm...recount. Still one hundred and one. Hmmm. Spread the sweater out on my lap.

See where my finger is? See those stitches on the needle? That very first stitch, down near the head of the needle? It's a dropped stitch. And it doesn't even have the courtesy to be more than 10 stitches in from the edge so that I can just work it up the ladder. It's about 2 stitches from the edge. So all the armhole decreasing rows - all 20 of them - are going to get ripped out, that stitch will be worked up to the top and I'll redo the decreasing rows.
I wanted to weep.
Oh, and in embarrassing news. I discovered from a post on Ravelry that there is another blog out there called Two Pointy Sticks. And not just anyone's blog, mind you. It's the blog of Axelle de Sauveterre, the designer of gorgeous knits. Ones that show up in Interweave Knits with some regularity. And her yarns? Dear God, I'd sell my child for some of her yarns. (Hi, Rachel! Just kidding!)
Now, before I started this blog I did a search for the name and for some reason didn't see this blog. Now I'm wondering if I did something stupid like do a search for "Tow Pinty Stacks" or something without knowing it. Anyway, I left her a comment and said I was so embarrassed and I didn't know the right etiquette. I was thinking perhaps I should rename this blog. But she answered and said she didn't know what the etiquette was either but that she liked my blog! (I'm such a fan geek.)
So I guess I'll keep my name. But I'm going to put a link to the real Two Pointy Sticks over there on the right.