But Christmas...it was lovely. Mr. Pointy Sticks took a number of pictures as we were celebrating (in a quiet way) at my dad's. I'd post one or two except that somehow we all end up looking as though we've escaped from the Home for the Feeble and Homely...I swear, a dopier looking group of people you could not hope to find.
But presents...they stand still and look presentable. So herewith, my favorite presents of the season.
My brother's sweetie gave me this adorable spoon rest...well, I suppose you could also use it as a candy dish or coaster...but I am enjoying having it close by as I cook.

What a perfectly snooty cat.
And my daughter gave me this:

We've all been waiting years for this to come out. In fact, years ago my brother ordered me a copy. But then he heard that Rachel had gotten this for me so he decided to give the copy that would have been mine to Rachel. He said he was feeling a little bad about giving it up but it all worked out because Rachel also gave a copy to him! It was the Year of the Pogo! I'm having great fun reading it.
But the best present? Probably the best present I've ever gotten? Mr. Pointy Sticks gave me this:

Here's it is in its little jacket.

And this past Saturday I went up there. I spent the afternoon and I also spent the gift certificate.

Look at these colors!

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