Never one to jump on a bandwagon too soon, I am starting a new pair of socks...and I'm going to make a pair of Monkeys. I mean, there are
only 14,815 pairs of Monkeys on Ravelry. Oh wait, make that 14,816.

It's a great pattern, though I've only done two repeats of the pattern (and made a mild screw up during the first repeat...left out a row of plain stockinette...I'm living with it).
What's that you say? It's awfully colorful?

You ain't seen nothing yet. There's more to come.
14,820. No, I mean 14,822 . . .
The uninformed would like to know whether these are the socks that, back in the Olde Days, elderly people (like us, now) would make into stuffed monkeys and sell at church bazaars? (I'm hoping "Not.")
No, no...sock monkeys are made from Fox River Mills socks...
Completely different animals.
For some reason my cousin's comments aren't getting through...but she wrote and said:
Just wanted to mention that I do look at your blog regularly and have recently left several messages--none of them bon mots, but still, contributions--which haven't made it past the blog bridge troll. The posting about the moronic driver and your almost-accident caused me such choler that I posted twice, but it didn't go anyway, I'm enjoying your blog. I love the colors of the recent rainbow "monkey" thingies.
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