Camp Loopy was so much fun. I never thought I would so enjoy knitting along with others. I think it was brilliant that, while there were guidelines for each of the projects, within those guidelines there was a lot of leeway. So we weren't all forced to knit one particular thing...and it was interesting and inspiring to see all the other patterns that the others chose. My "favorites" list on Ravelry grew by leaps and bounds. The camaraderie was wonderful, too. People cheered each other one and gave help and suggestions. People gasped in amazement at finished projects...and man, were there some absolutely stunning examples of knitting!
But of course, one of the enticements to participate was the thought of the skein of Wollmeise that Sheri offered as a prize for finishing all three projects successfully. And lookie here! I got a package on Saturday. (For those not in on the yarnie scene...Wollmeise is yarn from Germany, hard to come by in the US. It's got a very distinctive feel...almost cottony as you knit it up and the colors tend to be very intense and rich.)

I didn't realize that we were getting a free pattern, too. Or rather, I had forgotten that Sheri had said that. There were a number of different patterns that went out to finishers. Mine is for a cowl and mitts. My only objection is that, given the brightly colored variegated yarn used in the illustrations for the pattern, you really can't see the design clearly at all. I think there is a cable up the back of the mitts and I guess the same cable is on the cowl.
But what's in that purple package?

My Wollmeise. In a color called Skandal um Rosi (which translates to, according to Google, "Rosy Scandal" -- okay then) .

I like it. I had seen a number of the skeins that others have gotten (we have a thread on Ravelry where you can show off your Wollmeise) and I'd seen lots of greens. I have nothing against green but it's not my favorite color. Actually, a couple of people got a colorway called Birch Bark (white and grey and black -- not surprising) that I like a lot.
Sheri's no dummy, for sure. She said that everyone would be getting their Wollmeise by the end of October but if you wanted it earlier, you could place an order and the Wollmeise would get thrown into that order.
So...I got some other stuff, too.

From left to right, the Wollmeise, some Fiberphile MCN Luxe Sock in Timberline (soooooo soft -- it has cashmere), Three Irish Girls in Brown-Eyed Girl (love this combo of pale pink and brown), and Dream in Color Smooshy with Cashmere (more soft) in Peacock Shadow.
Lovely. I can't wait to go to camp next summer.