He also didn't tell me that there was some sort of thread hanging on the hat...no fashion photographer, he. Still...I couldn't take a picture of the back of my head.
So there's the hat. I really like it a lot. The yarn is Malabrigo Worsted in some purpley-blue shade.
And the book?
Sometime back I read about this book on someone's blog and just had to order it for myself. It is adorable and sweet and beautifully illustrated and touching and if you know anyone who is a reader or who is raising a reader...well, this is the book for them.

One summer, Bear discovers a woman living in a cabin who reads under the trees everyday. He watches her and, oh so curious about what she is doing, moves closer everyday until she spots him and begins reading aloud to him. While he doesn't understand all the words, he loves her voice and catches the sense of the stories. One day, at the end of fall, he comes to the woman's chair and she has left for the winter but has left a pile of books for Bear. He carries them carefully, one at a time, to his cave, where he sleeps with them all winter. The last picture is of Bear and the woman, once more reading near her cabin.
Lovely book. Nicely written and the illustrations are wonderful.
Apropos of nothing, I have a book recommendation for you. I know you often enjoy children's/young adult's books. The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt is just lovely. You'll read it in one sitting, but it is worth the time. Narrator is a sweet 7th grade boy from Long Island in 1967. Let me know if you like it.
Oooh, thanks....I'm always looking for recommendations.
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