Anyway, I got home from work and asked Rachel if she wanted to go up to The Black Sheep with me. She did, as she wanted to get some crocheting instruction, so I waited while she got showered and dressed (must be nice) and we headed up. The place was packed! But I inveigled Karen into helping Rachel with some basic crochet instruction (I’ll take her a giftie on Saturday as a thank you…she wouldn’t let me pay her) and I sat and knit and smoozed and wandered around and looked at pattern books and such. Rachel crocheted away (and then ended up ripping the entire piece she’d done out…learning experience!).
I did [mumble] endupbuyingmoreNoroforanotherribbedscarf [mumble]. (“It’s for a Christmas present!” she says in self-defense.)
And I bought a great pattern book…an Ella Rae one (number 17, for the curious) with some really nice patterns including this sweater vest which I really like a lot.

And this nice man’s sweater (if only I knew a nice man who liked sweaters!).

And this jacket…

And we got home late and then I had to make dinner and by the time that was all done and eaten and all…it was close to nine. And I was exhausted. I tried to make myself bike…I really did. But alas, lethargy won out.
_I_ like sweaters, just not that one . . .OO
You've never found a sweater you like....
i love the crap out of that sweater. i just lack the y chromosome.
Do you really? Hmmmm. I don't suppose the y chromosome is necessary to wear it. I'll keep that in mind.
you mean there's no little built-in component that draws your blood, does a chromosome test and kicks you out? because every other sweater has those.
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