Last week I got an email from my cousin Pat, one of my uncle Arthur's daughters. And she's filled me in on other members of her family. And it feels good. And she found me because I had been posting pictures of our family on this blog.
So, in honor of about a few more pictures?

And finally...this was taken one Christmas, at my aunt Lois and uncle John's house. Probably Christmas 1976. Someone had gotten a gift that was nestled in those round styrofoam packing peanuts. So we drew eyeballs on them and had a blast taking silly pictures. Here you have my cousin ML and me in the front, my brother and Mom in the back.
Ah, family. Good times. Good people.
Oh, and the bragging? Rachel got her grades for the last semester. All As! She's pretty and smart.
Yay for Rachel! And I love the family photos -- there's something so intimate about seeing someone else's.
Kinda like seeing fat people in their underwear . . .
Or naked.
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