These are some tired feet!

Ah, but what a good tired. I love going to the Sheep and Wool Show, although for the past few years I've thought that it was
almost too crowded to be enjoyable. But I find that I am still able to put up with all the people in order to see the sheep and the goats and the llamas and alpacas....and of course, the yarn. Oh, the yarn.
But look at these nice animals...

This llama looks as though she has a red beard but those red fluffs are actually the leg fur on the llama behind her. She was humming.....hnnnnh...hnnnnh...which the owner said meant that she was feeling stressed and unhappy. He said she had been complaining since they got there that morning so he was going to take her home this evening and bring a different one tomorrow.

These three girls were all cosy and comfortable together.

And look at the horns on this fellow. I think the Jacob's sheep are so cool.

This ram was being hand-trimmed. His name was Zedane and he was 18 months old. Look at those impressive horns he grew in only a year and a half! We complimented him on his calmness and the woman who was grooming him said, "Well, mostly rams just stand around and do nothing. So, if all I'm doing is asking him to stand around, he's very well-behaved." He had a very dignified face.
Oh! You want to see what I

Well, I got this cute button for starters.
And I stumbled upon Diane's Creatively Dyed Yarns booth. Oh my...the colors were so beautiful...each one prettier than the one before. I had the hardest time deciding on anything...but I managed to choose these two.

Look at those pinks! I was standing in line and every customer in front of me had a skein that I was lusting for. Man, Diane has such a good eye for color. "Vance" is on the left and "Durian" is on the left.

I bought some earrings. I love the Sassafras jewelry.

And I bought these beads so that I can make myself (or someone else, perhaps) some earrings.
And for the first time in all the years that I've been going to the S&W show the booth that The Folds had...where they sell Socks That Rock yarn...had a manageable line. Usually there's a line out of the barn of people waiting to get in just to look at the yarn and another line, equally long, to pay for it once it's chosen. I was walking past when I realized that there was no line of payers and the line of people waiting to get into the booth was only about 6 people long. Well, I had to get in line...though the woman in front of me and I were talking about how silly it was to stand in line when one could simply order it on-line. But I succumbed...

"Koi Koi" on the left and "Seal Rock" on the right. Oh, and I got those nice rosewood needles at some booth or other.
And I had to hit Brooks Farm. I love their yarns.

This year I got a skein of Solo Silk (on the left) in the soft lime green and Primero in this yummy blend of colors.
So...all in all...a very successful day. And yes, I spent a little over my budget this year. Oh well...better start saving up those quarters for next year!