But I can save drafts, so I'll do that.
Beth's first sock is coming along. I've turned the heel and started with the gusset decreases. The twisted rib pattern used in the Charade socks is just a two row repeat and one of the row is just knitting. That row happened to line up with my non-decrease row. That makes it all very easy to remember. One the decrease rows, I have to do all the slipping stitches and yo'ing and passing slipped stitches over that makes up the twisted rib...and on the next row it's just knit, knit, knit. Nice.
So here you go, Beth. Your first sock as it currently stands.

I'm still dithering over paint colors. And I have to chose a color for the computer room. I'm thinking a pale, pale, pale yellow. With white ceiling.
Wow. You got blocked? I post two, three times a day and that's never happened. I wonder if the spammers you blocked by turning on comment moderation flagged your blog.
That's an appealing explanation that feeds into my hatred of spammers...but from the statement on the Blogger log-in page it appears that it might have been some over-enthusiastic 'bot.
If you weren't sporting your father's nose (or, at least, not your mother's nose), I would say that we resemble each other to a startling extent in that photo. The bitter truth is that we all are starting to look like Mom Linn, having managed to leap-frog over the attractive parts of our mothers. It could be worse....
Yeah, I was thinking, as I looked at that picture, that it looked rather Becca-ish. Which is something I've never been able to say before...
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