The pattern is called Teosinte and the yarn is Dream in Color Smooshy in Petal Shower. The color isn't very true here...it's cream and pink and ash rose, sort of. And as long as I was ordering that, I figured I'd order a little something else and I ordered some Claudia Hand Paint in Ingrid's Blues.

But...and here's where the title comes in...I only ordered one frigging skein. And I need two for a pair of socks.
Fortunately for me 1) they still have this yarn in stock and 2) I got a honking big award check at work today. So I ordered the other skein and a few other goodies, too, including a skein of sock yarn with cashmere in it that is supposed to be dreamy. Pictures to come up soon.
And in the meantime...I finished the first of the Lorna's Laces socks. Now here is something I don't particularly understand. I know that the way handpainted yarns stripe has a lot to do with the number of stitches in a round. So I had 72 stitches and the stripes came out nicely:

And then I did the heel flap and the heel turn and you end up with more stitches and then you decrease down through the gusset. And I end up with 72 stitches again...and the stripes don't look so good:

Weird, huh? I guess it's just where in the color sequence you are when you get back to the original stitch count. But hey, the sock looks cute!

And I've started the second one! Huzzah!
And somehow I seem to have gotten poison ivy...on my face. It isn't too itchy but if it doesn't clear up in the next day or so, I guess I'll have to go to a doc-in-the-box and get some heavy duty cure. I don't like it when it's on my face.
I'd go now if I were you, Sarah. When I had that really bad case of it last year, "It's on my face!" is the statement that finally got the attention of the nurse at my doctor's office. Evidently that's, uh, bad.
Yeah, I'm going to go to the doc-in-the-box this evening. It's spreading...and starting to itch more. Bleah.
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